The Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques devotes considerable effort to the development of knowledge and the protection of the environment. In the midst of all the various measures, policies and regulations implemented, the Centre d'expertise en analyse environnementale du Québec (CEAEQ) has developed the Programme d'accréditation d'échantillonnage environnemental (PAÉE). The objective of this program is to recognize companies that collect samples in the application of the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques' regulations or guides.
Company enrolment in PAÉE is voluntary. However, accreditation may be required for the sampling of certain fertilizing residual materials (FRMs) by the Ministère in the case of samplings pertaining to the application of regulations, policies and authorizations.
The PAÉE is aimed at specialized sampling firms, industrial companies, laboratories as well as public and para-public organizations that regularly conduct sampling activities for their own needs or for an external clientele.
Prescriptions unique to each intervention sector are specified in guidelines.
To find out the prescriptions for the intervention sector of fixed sources in the air sector, you must consult the document titled Lignes directrices concernant les prélèvements des émissions atmosphériques en provenance de sources fixes [Guidelines for sampling of atmospheric emissions from fixed sources].
To find out the prescriptions regarding the sampling of FRMs in the agricultural sector, you must consult the documents titled Processus et exigences d'accréditation - Matières résiduelles fertilisantes [Accreditation process and requirements – Fertilizing residual materials] and the Protocole d'échantillonnage de matières résiduelles fertilisantes et dispositions particulières reliées à l'accréditation [Sampling protocol for residual fertilizing materials and particular provisions related to accreditation].
Additional information (French)